London: An Unexpected Journey…..Hey, Can I Try a Piece of that Sausage?

Hello fans of Middle Earth!

I’m going to make this real quick cause it’s Monday night and I just got in from London. Yeah that London. Across the pond London.

The short version is the Editor and Terence were going over there to meet Ethan and Georgia. At the last minute we had an unexpected problem at work that was going to put the job on hold for a few days so I had the Editor book me a ticket Tuesday night for a Wednesday flight to jolly old England.

Wow. What a trip. Don’t have a lot of time right now but it was worth every penny. Hobbit house or no Hobbit house. What a great place for architectural inspiration! In a word unbelievable. Simply unbelievable.

I’ll have a little more time next weekend I hope to go on about a few of the things we saw.

Bottom line is pub food.

You know there are all these little drinking pubs all over the place. So you’ve got to try the food and all.

But we weren’t really there long enough to get a taste of everything. You know English food. So what do you do? You ask your son if you can try some of his English sausage. You know so you can get a real flavor for London. I mean so let’s just be honest here. I’m paying for this thing in one way shape or form so when I ask to try some sausage I’m expecting to get a piece of sausage for a man. Or at least a human being. Know what I’m saying? Not something that even a mouse would scoff at. The point being is Terence got these three, yes count ’em three, huge English sausages. Let me show you what he got.

He got the special: Toad in the Hole.
He got the special: Toad in the Hole.

Okay people take it easy it’s London. They have a different way of phrasing things. Let me show you what it looked like.

Terence ready to do a number on dinner.
Terence ready to do a number on dinner.

Let me show you my share.

That little brown thing is what he gave me to try.
That little brown thing is what he gave me to try.

Pretty pathetic wouldn’t you say? I don’t know but this seems to be a reoccurring theme with son Terence. It’s like he’s dissen’ me. (Translation: Like he is disrespecting me.)

Gotta go but I think we’re definitely going to have to have a chat with said son about his prospects for college going forward. It’s always the little things that get to me. Like I’m ready to blow.

Oh yeah so we’re walking down the street and they have all these cute little old telephone booths all over the city. Yeah those things. I think they went the way of the dinosaur about 25 years ago. So the 50 plus crowd would know what I’m talking about. They’re really cool though. Painted red. As I was saying we’re walking down the street and guess who pops out of one.

Bob? What in the heck are you doing in London?
Bob? What in the heck are you doing in London?

He’s here on business. Kind of dressed business casual he says.

Who knew?

See you next week.


The Tower of London: Begun about 1000 years ago by William the Conqueror.
The Tower of London: Begun about 1000 years ago by William the Conqueror. (This is called the White Tower.)

The history here was tremendous.


2 thoughts on “London: An Unexpected Journey…..Hey, Can I Try a Piece of that Sausage?”

    • Hey Mike. Hope you and the wife had a wonderful holiday as well. And you’re right. The flight wasn’t that bad. Virgin Atlantic fed us like kings. If you’re up for the holidays let me know. We’ll have to get together.



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